Common Good Podcast
This Podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation, and the structure of belonging. It's about leaving a culture of scarcity for a community of abundance. This first season is a series of interviews with Walter Brueggemann, Peter Block, and John McKnight. The subsequent episodes is where change agents, community facilitators, and faith and service leaders meet at the intersections of belonging, story, and local gifts. The Common Good Podcast is a coproduction of commongood.cc, bespokenlive.org and commonchange.com
99 episodes
Prentis Hemphill: Longing, Belonging & Love
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. In this episode, Joey Taylor and Sarah Buffie...

D. Lamar & Chris: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

La Shanda Sugg: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

Chris La Rue: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

Amy Tuttle: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

Dr. Adam Clark: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

Leslie Hershberger: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

Troy Bronsink: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging.This 8 weeks series consists of mini episodes which are being produced in partnership with

D. Lamar Hughes: Election Brave Space Series
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. For the next 8 weeks we’re going to drop mini episodes on Tuesday which are being produced in partner...

Kate Hanisian: Microcosm of Healing
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. In this episode, Joey Taylor and Sam Pressler speak...

Pete Davis: Nostalgia & Prophecy
Joey Taylor & Sam Pressler speak with Pete Davis about Join or Die, which he directed with

Dr. Ian Marcus Corbin: Restoring the Common Good
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. In this episode, Joey Taylor and Sam Pressler speak...

Sam Pressler: Commitments, Connections & Communities
The Common Good podcast, a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. This week's episode is with Sam Pressler.Sam i...

Kay Lindahl: Listening as Gift, Art & Choice
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. For this week's episode Joey Taylor speaks with

Dan Joyner: The Pain of Every Leader
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. For this week's episode Joey Taylor speaks with Dan Joyner

Ari Weinzweig: Dignity & Beliefs
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. Brad Wise...

Greg Jarrell: Our Trespasses (part 2)
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. On this episode, author Greg Jarrell joins host,

Greg Jarrell: Our Trespasses (part 1)
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. On this episode, author Greg Jarrell joins host,

Parker Palmer & Peter Block: The Thread of Life
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. For this episode, we're returning to the the Abundant Community Conversation from October 26 where

Tim Vogt: Placekeeping & Holding the Long Story
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. For this week's episode we partner with April Doner and the Abundant Community to speak with

john a. powell: Future of Spirituality & Belonging (part 2)
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. In this episode, Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp and

john a. powell: Future of Spirituality & Belonging (part 1)
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. In this episode, Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp and

Dr. Adam Clark: Collective Change Conversations with The Hive
The Common Good podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and structures of belonging. For this week's episode, we conclude a live podcast series with Th...