Common Good Podcast
This Podcast is a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation, and the structure of belonging. It's about leaving a culture of scarcity for a community of abundance. This first season is a series of interviews with Walter Brueggemann, Peter Block, and John McKnight. The subsequent episodes is where change agents, community facilitators, and faith and service leaders meet at the intersections of belonging, story, and local gifts. The Common Good Podcast is a coproduction of commongood.cc, bespokenlive.org and commonchange.com
Common Good Podcast
Sam Pressler: Commitments, Connections & Communities
The Common Good podcast, a conversation about the significance of place, eliminating economic isolation and the structure of belonging. This week's episode is with Sam Pressler.
Sam is a community-builder, researcher, and writer focused on connecting people to the relationships and responsibilities that make life worth living. He was the founder and executive director of the Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP), the nation's largest community arts organization serving veterans and their families, and has a newsletter on Substack called Connective Tissue.
Check out Sam's new policy framework - Connective Tissues: Regenerating Connection within Communities, Reimagining the Role of Policy
People and Works Referenced in this podcast:
- When Death Comes by Mary Oliver
- The Tyranny of Merit by Michael Sandel
- World War II Veteran Joe Bruni reads his 'Ode to Joe' on CNN
- Survey Center on American Life
- Raj Chetty
- Richard Reeves
- Is the Cure to Male Loneliness out on the Pickleball Court?
- Pete Davis
- Join or Die
- Bowling Alone
- Robert Putnam
This episode was hosted and produced by Joey Taylor and the music is from Jeff Gorman. You can find more information about the Common Good Collective here. Common Good Podcast is a production of Bespoken Live & Common Change - Eliminating Personal Economic Isolation.